What's uR inner GenDer???

AssaLammuaLaiKum Lagiii ^-^
ga baru aja tes personality di inet yang judulnya
what's ur inner gender???

dan hasilnya...coba liat deh di pojok kanan bawah, di bawah profil gw
di bawah shiny stat box yg kecil merah itu

masa iner gender gw a guy???Serious ney???
kyanya gw gak separah itu d
biar lebih jelas gw copy-in deh
hasil test nya:

" You are rational, matter of fact, and quite dominant.
You like to get things done, without any emotional messiness.
You truly don't understand most women. And you definitely feel more comfortable around men.
No doubt about it. You're a guy - at least on the inside "

kalo rasional, matter of fact and quite dominant are still acceptable
I still agree with the two first sentences
But the next....
You truly don't understand most women
segitunya kah???

apa itu brarti sikap gw gak sejalan sama kbanyakan kaum wanita sampe2 gw g bisa ngerti mereka?

Apa gw terlampau rasional?

hehe, g tau ah gw bingung!!
menurut gw, gw fine2 aja
apa emg bner sikap gw g kaya cewe2 biasanya ya??
gw kok jadi ragu...jangan2 seharusnya gw terlahir sbagai cowo bukan cewe
salah tubuh..kaya dorce gamalama dkk
heee tenang!!
gw g pernah berpikir buat jadi cowo kok abis pkaian cowo monoton, bnyak pula tanggung jawabnya

klo gitu gw bersyukur masih di anugrahi kecerewetan dan hobi belanja
setidaknya masi ada sifat kecewe'anya hehe

Proceeding to the next sentence...
And you definitely feel more comfortable around men
Gosh...gw g ngerasa gitu kok,
mo cewe or cowo sama aja buat gw
asal asyik d ajak ngobrol apa lagi klo suka traktir gw..pasti gw seneng kok bertemen ma dia :D
mungkn krna 2 adek gw tercinta cowo kali yee, jadi gw udah terbiasa dan nyaman sama cowo

and the last sentence.....
No doubt about it. You're a guy - at least on the inside
gw cuma bisa bilang hmmm...
Don't judge the book by its' cover ^_^

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